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An interview with TB Markinson

Writer's picture: Melissa TerezeMelissa Tereze


1. Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours.

When I have M&Ms or Skittles, I have to eat two at a time, and they can never be the same color.

2. If we opened your browser history, what would we find?

I recently adopted a cat, so a lot of cat toys, perches, and accessories. So far, she’s unimpressed with my finds, but I’ll keep trying.

3. What is your favourite genre to read, and why?

Being the history nerd, I read a lot of nonfiction, which is how I relax. Reading fiction can feel like work since I end up spending too much time studying the craft and not sinking into the story.

4. What are your favourite pizza toppings?

I’m not an adventurous eater, so pepperoni or simply cheese, but I add a lot of red pepper flakes.

5. Sing in the rain or dance in the streets?

Neither. I’m more of a slow walker (and completely uncoordinated) all of the time, and singing only ever happens in the privacy of my own home. If you heard me sing, you’d know why.

6. What is your motto in life?

Just keep going.

7. Tomorrow I absolutely refuse to…

No idea. I never know what day it is.


1. How long have you been writing for and when did you first realise you wanted to be a writer?

I was in the sixth grade, around 11 years old, when I first caught the writing bug. I didn’t publish my first novel until I was 39. The reason for the delay in realizing my dreams was my life took many detours, but I’ve been writing full-time since 2013.

2. What comes first, the plot or the characters?

It’s hard for me to separate the two, because it’s impossible to pen a good story without either, or things simply happen in a vacuum.

3. When you’re writing an emotionally draining (or sexy, or sad, etc) scene, how do you get in the mood?

Well, after a significant amount of whining to my cat and then doing all the chores I hate doing, but all of a sudden, they seem like the most important task at hand, I flip on music, sit my arse in the chair, and get it done.

4. When writing a series, how do you keep things fresh for both your readers and also yourself?

It’s important to remember each instalment needs to have its own story arc and also further the overall storyline of the entire series. I spend a lot of time thinking of ways to torture my main characters. I like to stick them up a tree and then continue to pelt them with rocks.

5. What is the one piece of advice you would give to yourself/or a new writer?

The same as my motto: just keep going.

6. What’s your next project?

That’s a good question. I usually have a handful of stories in my head, but picking the one that’s right for the moment takes time. I’m bouncing around either a novella or another book in one of my series. My next editing deadline isn’t for a handful of months, so I have time to dither. I like to let ideas percolate in my head without forcing them out.


1. Tell us about your first published book? What was the journey like?

My first published book was A Woman Lost. I started it back in 2005 (or 2006—I’m terrible with numbers), but I put it in a drawer when I moved from Colorado to Massachusetts. Occasionally, I tinkered with it, but it wasn’t until I moved to London in 2011 with my partner, whose company moved us, and I didn’t have a job that I took a chance on becoming a writer.

2. What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?

Even though I’ve been a lifelong reader, I never fully understood how much thought goes into each and every word until I had to put pen to paper.

3. Do you have a favourite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special?

Oh, gosh. This is a tough one. Many of my readers love Lizzie, who stars in the A Woman Lost series, but my fave is probably JJ Cavendish of The Miracle Girl series. She’s a media mogul and I’ve always been fascinated by the news. I get to live vicariously through JJ, and she’s a badass.

4. Where can readers purchase your books?

Almost all of my books are available in Kindle Unlimited on Amazon. A Woman Lost is not enrolled in KU, but readers can get it for free if they subscribe to my newsletter. They’ll also get bonus chapters to book one in the series and a free short story.


To celebrate the release of The Setup TB Markinson has put together a giveaway.

One winner will receive a signed paperback copy of The Setup and a $25 Amazon gift card.

Click here to enter.

Giveaway ends on November 30th

I’ve set up a giveaway for my latest, The Setup, which is a quirky romance set in London, a city I love. One winner will receive a signed copy. Click here to enter.

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